Portfolio Slicer is a FREE for personal use Excel workbook/template that lets you track your Stock, ETFs and Mutual Fund investments your way If you are comfortable with Excel, then you will love Portfolio SlicerYou will tell Portfolio Slicer about your investments by entering data into predefined Excel tablesPortfolio Return = (60% * %) (40% * 12%) Portfolio Return = 168% Portfolio Return Formula – Example #2 Consider an investor is planning to invest in three stocks which is Stock A and its expected return of 18% and worth of the invested amount is $,000 and she is also interested into own Stock B $25,000, which has an expected return of 12%This accessible investment tracking spreadsheet template is perfect for stock portfolio tracking and gives you a simple overview of your current portfolio with current prices and details of your assets Excel Download Open in browser Share Find inspiration for your next project with thousands of ideas to choose from Create An Amazing Stock Portfol...